1: Leo: Confident and assertive, Leos always have a story to top yours.
2: Aries: Competitive and fiery, Aries won't back down from a debate.
3: Sagittarius: Adventurous and quick-witted, Sagittarians love to show off their knowledge.
4: Gemini: Social and clever, Geminis have a way with words that can outshine you.
5: Scorpio: Intense and passionate, Scorpios will always have the last word.
6: Cancer: Emotional and protective, Cancers will defend their opinions fiercely.
7: Virgo: Analytical and detail-oriented, Virgos will go to great lengths to prove their point.
8: Capricorn: Ambitious and driven, Capricorns have a competitive edge in conversations.
9: Taurus: Stubborn and persistent, Taureans will argue until they come out on top.
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