1: Aries, the fiery and assertive sign, always comes out on top in debates with their passionate arguments.

2: Scorpios have a natural talent for getting their point across, making them unbeatable in any argument.

3: Leos are confident and persuasive, making it impossible for them to lose an argument.

4: Virgos are known for their intelligence and logical thinking, giving them the upper hand in any debate.

5: Gemini's quick wit and communication skills make them unbeatable in arguments.

6: Sagittarius' optimistic and philosophical nature helps them win arguments with their wise reasoning.

7: Capricorns are determined and persistent, making them unstoppable in any argument they engage in.

8: Aquarians are open-minded and inventive, always finding a new angle to come out on top in arguments.

9: Pisces are empathetic and intuitive, making them skilled at understanding others' perspectives and winning debates.