1: Aries: Their fiery nature burns through any facade, revealing their true intentions with or without makeup.

2: Gemini: Their quick wit and charm may dazzle, but their dual nature can't hide a cold heart.

3: Leo: Their regal air masks a cruel streak that no amount of makeup can conceal.

4: Scorpio: Their intense gaze pierces through any makeup, exposing their dark desires.

5: Capricorn: Their disciplined exterior can't hide the ruthlessness of their ambitions.

6: Pisces: Their dreamy nature belies a deep well of emotions that makeup can't cover.

7: Virgo: Their perfectionism can't hide the critical spirit lurking beneath the surface.

8: Sagittarius: Their adventurous spirit can't mask the callousness of their actions.

9: Aquarius: Their eccentricity may be charming, but their detachment reveals a cold soul underneath.